Schema for S2 Zhou 30-state (R5) - 30-state Model for S2 Cells Created by Zhou and Troyanskaya (R5)
Database: dm6 Primary Table: zhou_30states Row Count: 265,951   Data last updated: 2021-09-01
field | example | SQL type | info |
bin | 585 | smallint(5) unsigned | range |
chrom | chr2L | varchar(255) | values |
chromStart | 5425 | int(10) unsigned | range |
chromEnd | 5525 | int(10) unsigned | range |
name | 30_PC_1 | varchar(255) | values |
score | 0 | int(10) unsigned | range |
strand | + | char(1) | values |
thickStart | 5425 | int(10) unsigned | range |
thickEnd | 5525 | int(10) unsigned | range |
itemRgb | 8421504 | int(10) unsigned | range |
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Sample Rows
bin | chrom | chromStart | chromEnd | name | score | strand | thickStart | thickEnd | itemRgb |
585 | chr2L | 5425 | 5525 | 30_PC_1 | 0 | + | 5425 | 5525 | 128,128,128 |
585 | chr2L | 5775 | 5825 | 29_G_1 | 0 | + | 5775 | 5825 | 211,211,211 |
585 | chr2L | 6075 | 6475 | 29_G_2 | 0 | + | 6075 | 6475 | 211,211,211 |
585 | chr2L | 6475 | 6625 | 30_PC_2 | 0 | + | 6475 | 6625 | 128,128,128 |
585 | chr2L | 6625 | 7125 | 29_G_3 | 0 | + | 6625 | 7125 | 211,211,211 |
585 | chr2L | 7125 | 7225 | 30_PC_3 | 0 | + | 7125 | 7225 | 128,128,128 |
585 | chr2L | 7225 | 7525 | 29_G_4 | 0 | + | 7225 | 7525 | 211,211,211 |
585 | chr2L | 7525 | 7875 | 30_PC_4 | 0 | + | 7525 | 7875 | 128,128,128 |
585 | chr2L | 7875 | 7925 | 29_G_5 | 0 | + | 7875 | 7925 | 211,211,211 |
585 | chr2L | 7925 | 8325 | 30_PC_5 | 0 | + | 7925 | 8325 | 128,128,128 |
Note: all start coordinates in our database are 0-based, not
1-based. See explanation
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S2 Zhou 30-state (R5) (zhou_30states) Track Description
This track shows the 30-state chromatin model for Drosophila S2-DRSC cells created by Zhou and Troyanskaya, 2016.
The colors correspond to the different states in the 30-state model (see the Supplementary Information document for details):
State | Description | Acronym | Color |
01 | Long Intron1 | I1 | |
02 | Long Intron2 | I2 | |
03 | Long Intron3 | I3 | |
04 | Long Intron4 / Weak Enhancer1 | I4/WE1 | |
05 | Weak Enhancer2 | WE2 | |
06 | Weak Enhancer3 | WE3 | |
07 | Strong Enhancer3 | SE3 | |
08 | Strong Enhancer2 | SE2 | |
09 | Strong Enhancer1 | SE1 | |
10 | TSS1 | TSS1 | |
11 | TSS2 | TSS2 | |
12 | TSS3 | TSS3 | |
13 | TSS4 | TSS4 | |
14 | TSS5 | TSS5 | |
15 | Gene Start1 | GS1 | |
16 | Gene Start2 | GS2 | |
17 | Gene Start3 | GS3 | |
18 | Gene Start4 | GS4 | |
19 | Gene Start5 | GS5 | |
20 | Gene Start DCC1 | GSX1 | |
21 | Gene Start DCC2 | GSX2 | |
22 | Gene End1 | GE1 | |
23 | Gene End DCC1 | GEX1 | |
24 | Gene End DCC2 | GEX2 | |
25 | Gene End2 | GE2 | |
26 | Gene End3 | GE3 | |
27 | Heterochromatin1 | HET1 | |
28 | Heterochromatin2 | HET2 | |
29 | Ground | G | |
30 | Polycomb Repressed | PC | |
The datasets were retrieved from Supplementary Data 1 for the manuscript by Zhou and Troyanskaya, 2016.
Zhou J, Troyanskaya OG.
Probabilistic modelling of chromatin code landscape reveals functional diversity of enhancer-like chromatin states. Nat Commun. 2016 Feb 4;7:10528.
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