This track shows the repeats identified by RepeatMasker using a combined Drosophila repeat library.
The sequences in the combined repeat library were obtained from the following sources:
- Helentrons and HINE elements from Thomas J et al., 2014
- Species-specific ReAS repeat library from the Drosophila 12 Genomes Consortium
- Drosophila transposons in the RepBase library
- Species-specific LTRharvest repeat library
- Species-specific RepeatModeler repeat library
- Species-specific dnaPipeTE repeat library
- Species-specific Tedna repeat library
Drosophila 12 Genomes Consortium.
Evolution of genes and genomes on the Drosophila phylogeny.
Nature 450, 203-218 (8 November 2007)
Thomas J, Vadnagara K, Pritham EJ.
DINE-1, the highest copy number repeats in
Drosophila melanogaster are non-autonomous endonuclease-encoding rolling-circle transposable elements (Helentrons).
Mob DNA. 2014 Jun 4;5:18.
Smit, AFA, Hubley, R & Green, P. RepeatMasker Open-4.0. 2013-2015.