CIA Transcriptome (GffCompare) Track Settings
GffCompare Analysis of Combined Isoform Assembly (CIA) Transcriptome   (All RNA Seq Tracks)

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Data last updated at UCSC: 2025-01-05 23:01:12


This track shows the results of the GffCompare analysis comparing the transcripts in the Combined Isoform Assembly (CIA) transcriptome produced by the Hilgers lab with release 6.61 of the gene annotations for D. melanogaster produced by FlyBase.

The color of each transcript corresponds to the Transcript Classification Code (class code) reported by GffCompare. The "class code" describes the relationship between a transcript in the CIA transcriptome with the closest reference transcript in the FlyBase annotation release. See the "Transcript classification codes" section of the GffCompare documentation for details:

ColorClass CodeRelationship to Reference Transcript
= complete, exact match of intron chain
c contained in reference (intron compatible)
k containment of reference (reverse containment)
m retained intron(s), all introns matched or retained
n retained intron(s), not all introns matched/covered
j multi-exon with at least one junction match
e single exon transfrag partially covering an intron, possible pre-mRNA fragment
o other same strand overlap with reference exons
s intron match on the opposite strand (likely a mapping error)
x exonic overlap on the opposite strand (like o or e but on the opposite strand)
i fully contained within a reference intron
y contains a reference within its intron
p possible polymerase run-on (no actual overlap)
r repeat (at least 50% bases soft-masked)
u none of the above (unknown, intergenic)


Alfonso-Gonzalez C, et al. Sites of transcription initiation drive mRNA isoform selection. Cell. 2023 May 25;186(11):2438-2455.e22. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.04.012.

Pertea G, Pertea M. GFF Utilities: GffRead and GffCompare. F1000Res. 2020 Apr 28;9:ISCB Comm J-304. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.23297.2.