Inverted repeats within each scaffold of the D. melanogaster genome
is identified using Inverted
Repeats Finder with the following parameters:
- Match: 2
- Mismatch: 3
- Delta: 5
- Match Probability: 80
- Indel Probability: 10
- Min Score: 40
- Max Length: 10000
- Max Loop: 50000
- t4: 74
- t5: 493
- t7: 50000
P. E. Warburton, J. Giordano, F. Cheung, Y. Gelfand and G. Benson.
Inverted Repeat
Structure of the Human Genome: The X-Chromosome Contains a Preponderance of Large,
Highly Homologous Inverted Repeats That Contain Testes Genes.
Genome Research, 14:1861-1869, 2004.