UCSC Genome Browser on D. melanogaster Aug. 2014 (BDGP Release 6 + ISO1 MT/dm6)
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chr4:307,000-312,000 5,001 bp.
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Use drop-down controls below and press refresh to alter tracks displayed.
Tracks with lots of items will automatically be displayed in more compact modes.
+   Mapping and Sequencing Tracks
+   Transgenic Insertions
+   Chromatin Domains
-   Genes and Gene Prediction Tracks
FlyBase Genes
FlyBase Exons
FlyBase CDS
FlyBase Pseudogenes
FlyBase Non-coding
Drosophila RefSeq Transcripts
piRNA Clusters (R5)
Pfam in RefSeq
FlyBase 6.06 Genes
FlyBase 6.06 Proteins
FlyBase 6.06 Exons
FlyBase 6.06 CDS
FlyBase 6.06 Pseudogenes
FlyBase 6.06 Non-coding
+   ChIP Seq Tracks
+   ChIP-chip Tracks
+   Wolbachia Tracks
-   Expression and Regulation
Detected DHS Positions (Cell Lines) (R5)
DHS Read Density (Cell Lines) (R5)
Detected DHS Positions (Embryos)
DHS Read Density (Embryos)
TSS (Embryonic) (R5)
TSS (Celniker) (R5)
modENCODE CAGE Tag Clusters
modENCODE CAGE Read Density
Combined RAMPAGE TSS (R5)
RAMPAGE TSS Read Density (R5)
Combined RAMPAGE TSS (Replicate 2) (R5)
RAMPAGE TSS Read Density (Replicate 2) (R5)
Combined MachiBase TSS
MachiBase TSS Read Density
Combined Exo-seq TSS
Exo-seq Read Density
Exo-seq Tag Clusters
Exosome RNAi CAGE
Exosome RNAi CAGE Tag Clusters
PEAT (S2 Cells)
TES (Celniker) (R5)
TFBS HOT Spots (R5)
MACS STARR-seq Peaks
MACS STARR-seq Enrichment
MUSIC STARR-seq Enrichment
PePr STARR-seq Peaks
Enhancers (R5)
Silencers (R5)
Insulators (R5)
Origins of Replication (R5)
SNS Origins of Replication (R5)
EPDnew Promoters
Schor 2017 CAGE Peaks (R5)
REDfly Regulatory Elements
CORE Promoters
GRO-Seq (R5)
Core LJ 2012 GRO-Seq (R5)
PRO-seq (R5)
Schaaf CA 2013 BG3 PRO-seq
Duarte FM 2016 PRO-seq
FStitch Nascent Transcripts
3'NT (S2 Cells)
CapSeq Tag Clusters
CapSeq Read Density
Start-Seq TSS (Larvae) (R5)
scRNAs (S2 Cells)
Permanganate ChIP-Seq (R5)
Embryos FAIRE-Seq
Schulz FAIRE-Seq
Embryos ATAC-Seq
3rd Instar Larvae ATAC-Seq
Eye Discs ATAC-Seq
Pupal Wings ATAC-Seq
Ovaries ATAC-Seq
+   MNase Tracks
+   RNA Seq Tracks
+   Comparative Genomics
+   Variations
+   Repeats
+   Updated Transcriptome Tracks
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